Sqlite3.Row tells the connection to return rows that behave Yet, and won’t until you initialize the database later. nnect() establishes a connection to the file pointed atīy the DATABASE configuration key. Handling a request, so current_app can be used. Get_db will be called when the application has been created and is There is no application object when writing the rest of your code. New connection if get_db is called a second time in the sameĬurrent_app is another special object that points to the FlaskĪpplication handling the request. The connection is stored and reused instead of creating a Used to store data that might be accessed by multiple functions during G is a special object that is unique for each request. pop ( 'db', None ) if db is not None : db. Import sqlite3 import click from flask import current_app, g def get_db (): if 'db' not in g : g. Is created at some point when handling a request, and closed before the In web applications this connection is typically tied to the request. Queries and operations are performed using the connection, which is Other Python database libraries) is to create a connection to it. The first thing to do when working with a SQLite database (and most With it, the SQLite docs describe the language. The tutorial doesn’t go into detail about SQL.
Once you become big, you may want to switch to a different Requests try to write to the database at the same time, they will slowĭown as each write happens sequentially. SQLite is convenient because it doesn’t require setting up a separateĭatabase server and is built-in to Python. Python comes with built-in support for SQLite in the sqlite3 If you found this article useful, you might be interested in the book NumPy Recipes or other books by the same author.The application will use a SQLite database to store users and posts.
Here is a simple bit of code to open the database and read the contents using an SQL query: It contains a small database about fruit. There is a database in the file data.db on github. It isn't a web server, it is just a simple standalone program which prints output to the console. But here is a simple program to read the contents of a database, to get you up and running. This article isn't going to go into much depth about using SQLite and SQL in general, that is a topic on its own. However the authors claim it should be easily capable of running a website which gets 100,000 hits per day. SQLite isn't as efficient or scaleable as other databases. SQLite connects to the database by opening the file. This means there are no servers, or users, or permissions to worry about. The entire database is stored in a single file.
But we are going to use a simpler alternative, SQLite. When you think about web sites and databases, MySQL is probably the first thing that springs to mind.
In this section we will take our website a step further and add some simple database functionality.